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Journal papers

49. M. Shushtari, J. Foellmer and A. Arami, "Human-Exoskeleton Interaction Portrait," Nature Springer Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 22, no. 1, 152 (2024).

48. I.B. Santelices, C. Landry,  A. Arami and S.D. Peterson "Employing deep reinforcement learning to maximize lower limb blood flow using intermittent pneumatic compression," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, in press (2024). 

47. R. Nasiri, H. Dinovitzer, N. Manohara,  and A. Arami, "Coordinated human-exoskeleton locomotion emerges from regulating virtual energy," Plos One, in press (2024). 

46. L. Tang, M. Shushtari,  and A. Arami, "IMU-Based Real-Time Estimation of Gait Phase Using Multi-Resolution Neural Networks," Sensors, vol. 24, no. 8, 2390 (2024).

45. H. Dinovitzer, M. Shushtari,  and A. Arami, "Feedforward Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons: which torque profile should we use?" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 382-389 (2023).

44. M. Nazarahari, S. Ajami, S. Jeon, and A. Arami, Visual Feedback Decoding During Bimanual Circle Drawing,”  Journal of Neurophysiology (JNP), vol. 130, no. 5, pp. 1200-1213 (2023).

43. E. Azqadan, H. Jahed, and A. Arami, Predictive Microstructure Image Generation Using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models,” Acta Materialia, vol. 261, 119406 (2023).

42. T. Kodippili, E. Azqadan, H. Jahed,  S. Lambert and A. Arami, Multi-objective Optimization of a Cast-preform Shape for an AZ80 Magnesium Alloy Forging Application,” Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 129, no. 7, pp. 3221-3232 (2023).

41. E. Azqadan, J. Uramowski, M. A. Wells, A. Arami, Hamid Jahed, "Hardness Variation in Cast-Forging Process of AZ80 Magnesium Alloys and its Data-driven Prediction," Materials Today Communication, vol. 36, 106833 (2023).

40. J. Weng, E. Hashemi, and A. Arami, "Human Gait Cost Function Varies with Walking Speed: an Inverse Optimal Control Study," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 4777-4784, (2023).

39. H. Dinovitzer, M. Shushtari,  and A. Arami, "Accurate Real-Time Joint Torque Estimation for Dynamic Prediction of Human Locomotion," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 2289-2297 (2023).

38. I. Grossman, et. al., "Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change," Nature Human Behaviour, Vol. 7 (4), 484-501, link to Nature publication (2023).

37. M. Shushtari, and A. Arami, "Human–Exoskeleton Interaction Force Estimation in Indego Exoskeleton," Robotics, Vol. 12(3), 66, (2023).

36. M. Shushtari, H. Dinovitzer, J. Weng,  and A. Arami, "Ultra-Robust Real-Time Estimation of Gait Phase," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 30, 2793-2801 (2022).

35. C. Landry, E. T. Hedge, R. L. Hughson, S. D. Peterson and A. Arami, "Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation during Moderate- and Heavy-Intensity Exercise using Wearable ECG and PPG," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, in press (2022).

34. J. Weng, E. Hashemi,  and A. Arami, "Adaptive Reference Inverse Optimal Control for Natural Walking With Musculoskeletal Models IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 30, 1567-1575 (2022).

33. C. Landry, S. D. Peterson,  and A. Arami, "A Fusion Approach to Improve Accuracy and Estimate Uncertainty in Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitoring Scientific Reports, 12, 7948  (2022).

32. M. Shushtari, A. Takagi, J. Lee, E. Burdet and A. Arami, "Balance strategy in hoverboard control Scientific Reports, 12, 4509  (2022).

31. T. Kodippili, S. Lambert, and A. Arami, "Data-driven prediction of forging outcome: Effect of preform shape on plastic strain in a magnesium alloy forgingMaterials Today Communication, 31, 103210  (2022).

30. M. Shushtari, R. Nasiri, and A. Arami, "Online Reference Trajectory Adaptation: A Personalized Control Strategy for Lower Limb Exoskeletons IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Vol. 7 (1), p. 128-134  (2021).

29. R. Nasiri, M. Shushtari, H. Rouhani and A. Arami, "Virtual Energy Regulator: A Time-Independent Solution for Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Vol. 6 (4), p. 7699-7705  (2021).

28. R. Nasiri, M. Shushtari,  and A. Arami, "An Adaptive Assistance Controller to Optimize the Exoskeleton Contribution in Rehabilitation Robotics, Vol. 10, no. 3, 95  (2021).

27. J. Weng, E. Hashemi and A. Arami, "Natural Walking With Musculoskeletal Models Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 4156-4162 (2021).

26. C. Landry, E. T. Hedge, R. L. Hughson, S. D. Peterson and A. Arami, "Accurate Blood Pressure Estimation during Activities of Daily Living: A Wearable Cuffless Solution, IEEE JBHI, Vol. 25 (7), p. 2510 - 2520, (2021).

25. Y. Cha and A. Arami, Quantitative Modeling of Spasticity for Clinical Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation,” Sensors, Vol 20 (18), (2020).

24. A. Arami, E. van Asseldonk, H. van der Kooij and E. Burdet, A Clustering-based Approach to Identify Joint Mechanical Impedance during Walking,” IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol 28 (8), p. 1808-1816 (2020).

23. H.-Y. Huang, A. Arami, I. Farkhatdinov, D. Formica and E. Burdet, The Influence of Posture, Applied Force and Perturbation Direction on Hip Joint Viscoelasticity, IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol 28 (5), p. 1138-1145 (2020).

22. C. Landry, S. D. Peterson, and A. Arami, “Nonlinear Dynamic Modelling of the Blood Pressure Waveform: Towards an Accurate Cuffless Monitoring System,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20 (10), p. 5368 - 5378 (2020). (early access link)

21. H.Y. Huang, I. Farkhatdinov, A. Arami, M. Bouri, and E. Burdet, Cable-driven robotic interface for lower limb neuromechanics identification,” IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 68 (2), p. 461-469  (2020) . 

20. M. Mancuso, A. Arami, F. Becce, A. Farron, A. Terrier, and K. Aminian, “A Robotic Glenohumeral Simulator for Investigating Prosthetic Implant Subluxation,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 142(1) doi:10.1115/1.4044388 (2020).

19. A. Arami, A. Poulakakis-Daktylidis, Y. F. Tai, and E. Burdet, Prediction of Gait Freezing in Parkinsonian Patients: a Binary Classification Augmented with Time Series Prediction,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering , Vol. 27(9), p. 1909-1919 (2019). Alternative link

18. A. Arami, J.-R. Delaloye, H. Rouhani, B.M. Jolles, and K. Aminian, “Loosening Detection in Smart Knee Prostheses: a vibration analysis,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 46(1), p. 97-107, (2018).

17. A. Arami, N. Saint Raymond, and K. Aminian, “An Accurate Wearable Foot Clearance Estimation System: towards a real time measurement system,” Vol. 17(8), p. 2542-49, IEEE Sensors (2017).

16. A. Latypova, A. Arami, F Becce, B Jolles-Haeberli, K Aminian, DP Pioletti and A. Terrier,“A Patient-specific Model of Total Knee Arthroplasty to Estimate Patellar Strain: A case study,” Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 32, p. 212-19 (2016). alt. link. 

15. A. Arami, N. Vida Martins, and K. Aminian, “Locally Linear Neuro-fuzzy Estimate of the Prosthetic Knee Angle and its Validation in a Robotic Simulator,” Vol. 15(11), p. 6271-8 IEEE Sensors (2015). alt. link

14. F. Massé, R. R. Gonzenbach, A. Arami, A. Paraschiv-Ionescu, A.R. Luft, K. Aminian. “Improving Activity Recognition Using a Wearable Barometric Pressure Sensor in Mobility-impaired Stroke Patients,” J. NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, Vol. 12(1), p. 72-86 (2015).

13. D. Forchelet, M. Simoncini, A. Arami, A. Bertsch, E. Meurville, K. Aminian , P. Ryser, and P. Renaud, “Enclosed Electronic System for Force Measurements in Knee Implants,” Sensors, Vol. 14(8), p. 15009-15021 (2014).

12. A. Arami, J.D. Rechenmann, and K. Aminian, “Reference-Free Calibration of Magnetic Sensors for Angle Estimation in Smart Knee Prostheses,” IEEE Sensors Vol. 14(6), p. 1788-96 (2014).

11. W. Hasenkamp, J. Villard, J.R. Delaloye, A. Arami, A. Bertsch, K. Aminian, P. Renaud, Smart Instrumentation for Determination of Ligament Stiffness and Ligament Balance in Total Knee Arthroplasty,” Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 36(6), p. 721-725 (2014).

10. A. Arami, A. Vallet, K. Aminian, “Accurate Measurement of Concurrent Flexion-Extension and Internal-External Rotations in Smart Knee Prostheses,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 60(9), p. 2504-2510 (2013).

 9. A. Arami, et al., “Instrumented Knee Prosthesis for Force and Kinematics Measurements,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Sci. and Eng., Vol. 10(3), p. 615-624 (2013).

 8. W. Hasenkamp, N. Thevenaz, J. Villard, A. Bertsch, A. Arami, K. Aminian, A. Terrier, P. Renaud, Design and Test of a MEMS Strain-sensing Device for Monitoring Artificial Knee Implants,” Biomed. Microdevices, Vol. 15, p. 831-839 (2013)

 7. A. Arami, J. Miehlbradt, K. Aminian, “Accurate Internal-external Rotation Measurement in Total Knee Arthroplasty,” J. Biomechanics, Vol. 45(11), p. 2023-2027 (2012).

 6. A. Arami, C. Lucas, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, “Attention to Multiple Local Critics in Decision Making and Control,” Expert Syst. with Appli., Vol. 37(10), p. 6931-6941 (2010).

 5. M. Javan Roshtkhari, A. Arami, C. Lucas, “Imitative Learning Based Emotional Controller for Unknown Systems with Unstable Equilibrium,” Int. J. Intelligent Computing & Cybernetics, Vol. 3(2), p. 334-359 (2010).

 4. M.R. Jamali, M. Dehyadegari, A. Arami C. Lucas, Z. Navabi, “Real-Time Embedded Emotional Controller,” Neural Comp. and Appli., Vol. 19 (1), 13-19 (2010).

 3. M.R. Jamali, A. Arami, M. Dehyadegari, C. Lucas, Z. Navabi, “Emotion on FPGA: Model Driven Approach,” Expert Sys. with Appli., Vol. 36 (4), 7369-7378  (2009).

 2. M.R. Jamali, A. Arami, B. Hosseini, B. Moshiri, C. Lucas, “Real Time Emotional Control for Anti-Swing and Positioning Control of SIMO Overhead Traveling Crane,” Int. J. of Innovative Computing, Information, and Control, Vol.4 (9), 2333-2344 (2008).

 1. A. Arami, B. Nadjar Araabi, C. Lucas, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, Learning Cluster Type and Dissimilarity Metric for Each Cluster Using a Set of Possible Cluster Types,” CSI J. Computer Sci. & Eng., Vol. 5, p. 33-45 (2007).

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