April 2019
Arash Arami gave a talk in the Biomechanics symposium of the Kinesiology department on smart implants and neuromechanic-based robotics.
March 2019
Team Akomodi won the I-beam prize for their design of a multi-purpose wheelchair for CP children.
February 2019
Arash Arami and Ning Jiang won CBB Seed Fund.
November 2018
Robotics Manipulator course (ME547) will be given in Winter 2019.
September 2018
A new graduate course titled Human Movement Neuromechanics (ME 780) is given in Fall 2018, 2019 ....
July 2018
Arash Arami gave a talk in a CBB workshop.
May 2018
Gabrielle Kim, Justin Memar Makhsous and Yanqing Wu joined as Undergrad Research Assistants.
March 2018
Arash Arami gave an invited talk at Grand River hospital.
January 2018
New publication in Annals of Biomedical Engineering: Knee Implant Loosening Detection: A Vibration Analysis Investigation.